What is Happiness?It is a very good question for a person to ask and seek for some answers in a wide prospective. The question is a very striking, at the…Aug 25, 2024Aug 25, 2024
Long-term memory is the certain; Working memory is the pattern.The researches revealed that we can trace the certain memories in certain cells of long-term channels of brain. However, the working…Aug 12, 2024Aug 12, 2024
Bir İnsan Olamadın! İnsan Olmak Neden İyidir?Gündelik hayatta insanların arasında bazı problemler yaşandığında, sıkça duyduğumuz söylemlerden birisi de bir insan olamadın, doğru düzgün…Jul 20, 2024Jul 20, 2024
İlişki Algısı: İnanç Kültürünün İlişki Kurma Biçimleri Üzerindeki Olası Etkileri, Hristiyanlığa…İnsan çok sosyal bir varlık olmakla ile beraber (kendi türü ve diğer canlılar ile sosyal etkileşimin çok yoğun olması), bu sosyalliğini…Jul 11, 2024Jul 11, 2024
Who are we writing for?It is obvious that writing is an expression of some feelings, thoughts and experiences. Of course, we do not always write for somebody…Mar 6, 2024Mar 6, 2024
I like to writeI like to write. I seriously do. I can see that when I write something. I feel better, even I dont sit down to write regularly. But even as…Mar 4, 2024Mar 4, 2024
Agnostic as a Group Member; A-theist as a believer; A Surprising God as a funny equationBelonging to a group and believing in a security mechanism to guarantee the future (as much as possible) are two fundamental survival…Jan 21, 2024Jan 21, 2024
Bir İnsandaşlık OlayıBirçok düşünüre göre insan kavramının/nesnesinin (bazı durumlarda öznesinin) tanımını yapmak çok kolay olmayabilir. Bu zorluk özellikle…Jan 9, 2024Jan 9, 2024
Belief Based on FearBertrand Russell says that humans have three sources for developing an abstract fate (may be resulting in the idea of God) in the life…Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
The BeautyNeither our faces or lives are smooth or straight The vesicles inside, sometimes standing and then moving through the surface The blood…Aug 9, 2023Aug 9, 2023